Recent News
RESEARCHERS: SRC Launches new call for research seed funds (UPDATED DEADLINE: January 11, 2013)
The SRC is currently seeking applications from researchers for our SRC Research Seed Funding. This funding program is intended to support developmental/pilot/feasibility projects that will lead to published manuscripts, novel research initiatives, and future grant applications to external funding sources. The funding program is open to SRC members and non-members. Students are not eligible to apply for SRC Research Seed Funds, but are encouraged to apply for the Student Trainee Awards.
Deadline: January 11, 2013 (by 5:00pm EST)
Download the the guidelines and application form here:
More | Nov 1, 2012
STUDENTS: 2012-2013 SRC Student Funding Opportunity (NEW DEADLINE: January 11, 2013)
The CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention (SRC) is seeking proposals from outstanding scholars interested, or currently engaged in HIV prevention social research at the Masters, Doctoral, and Post-Doctoral level.
Information regarding the Program’s eligibility criteria and guidelines on how to apply can be found in the attached files: 2012 Program Guidelines, and the 2012 Application Form or online at the following address: http://srchiv.ca/en/index.php/awards
Application deadline: January 11, 2013 by 5:00pm EST.
More | Oct 23, 2012
Congratulations to SRC Members, Dr. Ted Myers and Monique Doolittle-Romas, recipients of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
The Canadian AIDS Society has announced The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal recipients who have been honoured with this distinction for their exemplary work and service in the field of HIV/AIDS in Canada.
Congratulations to all of the individuals who were selected through the CAS selection process for the medals. A special shout out to SRC members Dr. Ted Myers and Monique Doolittle-Romas!Medal Recipients:
Denise Becker
Adrian Betts
Jay Browne
Dr. Brian Conway
Monique Doolittle-Romas
Richard Elliott
Louis Marie Gagnon
Jacqueline Gahagan
David Hoe
Brian Huskins
Randy Jackson
Jim Kane
Bob Leahy
Roger Leclerc
Maria Mac Intosh
Bradford McIntyre
Enrico Mandarino
Gerry McConnery
Albert McNutt
May McQueenDr. Julio Montaner
Dr. Ted Myers
Diane Nielsen
Mary Elizabeth Paul
Doris Peltier
John Plater (posthumous)
Colleen Elizabeth Price
Darien Taylor
Deborah Warren
Lyle WatlingFor more information on the award, please visit: The Canadian AIDS Society
More | Oct 17, 2012
Congratulations to SRC Member Laura Bisaillon, who has won a Governor General's Gold Medal for her dissertation.
Congratulations to Laura Bisaillon (SRC Co-Investigator), who has received the following two awards:
The Governor General's Gold Medal awarded to the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in the Humanities
The Joseph De Koninck Prize awarded in recognition of a major contribution to knowledge in an interdisciplinary studies program
The dissertation is titled: Cordon Sanitaire or Healthy Policy? How Prospective Immigrants with HIV are Organized by Canada's Mandatory HIV Screening
Policy (see http://www.ruor.uottawa.ca/en/handle/10393/20643)
More | Oct 16, 2012
UNICEF Video: The Debate. An AIDS-free generation: how can real progress be achieved with adolescent girls amid the wider context of deep and continuing gender inequality?
UNICEF's Office of Research has developed The Debate, a 25 minute video conversation amongst experts that incorporates more than 50 years of collective knowledge.
More | Oct 3, 2012
National Attitudinal HIV/AIDS Survey Website
HIV/AIDS in Canada: A National Survey has its own website! Please visit srchiv.ca/NationalSurvey to learn all about the survey and download presentations and publications.
More | Sep 11, 2012
CIHR Analysis of Feedback on the Design Discussion Document
CIHR releases the "What CIHR Heard: Analysis of Feedback on the Design Discussion Document"
It has been five months since the release of the Design Discussion Document which presented the proposed changes to the CIHR Open Suite of Programs and Peer Review Process.
More | Aug 14, 2012
SRC Research Seed Funds - Deadline Extended!
The deadline for applications for SRC Research Seed Funds has been extended to - July 13th at 5:00pm Eastern. Also, the application form has been modified to allow for saving of the completed form using Acrobat Reader.
Click here to download the Application Form and Guidelines.
More | Jun 12, 2012
The SRC is pleased to announce the Student Trainee Award Recipients for 2012
The SRC is excited to announce the recipients of the SRC Student / Trainee Award Program for the 2012-13 academic year.
More | May 24, 2012
New Publication: The social technographics of gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in Canada: Implications for HIV research, outreach and prevention
Dan Allman
Ted Myers
Kunyong Xu
Sarah Jane Steele
Published Online: April 15, 2012This paper demonstrates how men of different ages and characteristics in Canada use the Internet. It explores how they engage with the Internet, how they inhabit social spaces created or facilitated by the Internet, and how these technologies, networks and spaces are utilised for seeking and meeting sexual partners. It explores the datasets of four distinct studies to understand what social or structural factors may enable such activities. It engages with theoretical perspectives to help contextualise such activities, and it reflects on the implications such work has for HIV research, prevention and outreach targeting gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM).
More | May 2, 2012
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