Recent News
January 2013 SRC Research Seed Funds Awarded
The CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention (SRC) is pleased to announce the exciting research projects awarded through our January 2013 Research Seed Fund competition.
More | May 9, 2013
Programme Released: 2nd International Conference for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV 2013
A provisional programme for KNOWING PRACTICES, 2nd International Conference for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV 2013 can now be viewed online
More | May 9, 2013
Project Launch: Promising HIV Prevention Programs and Interventions for Rural and Remote Regions in Canada: Services Scoping
The “Promising HIV Prevention Programs and Interventions for Rural and Remote Regions in Canada: Services Scoping” is a new project that will document promising HIV prevention programs and interventions for people living in rural and/or remote areas across Canada. This project is a partnership among the CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention, the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, the Canadian AIDS Society, CATIE, and the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network.
For more information: Rural Scoping One Pager
More | May 9, 2013
Videos Released: HIV and biomedical prevention in the UK: Re-framing the social science agenda workshop
On 17 December 2012, Sigma Research, UK co-hosted a workshop at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, with the University of Greenwich. The event brought together about forty UK-based medical sociologists and other social scientists to discuss the ways in which new HIV prevention technologies are shaping HIV prevention research. We are happy to announce that video files of the key sessions of the day are now available online at http://sigmaresearch.org.uk/projects/policy/project56
More | Apr 8, 2013
Become a UWW 5.0 fellow: Applications for 2013 - 2014 are now open
The call for applications for the 2013 - 2014 Universities Without Walls (UWW) Fellowship program is now open. The deadline is May 24th, 2013. Please visit UWW to complete the online application.
Please note: this year, UWW is opening the program to first-time applicants, Junior Fellows, and Senior Fellows, who've completed the fellowship since 2009 and wish to reengage with UWW.
More | Apr 4, 2013
New Publication: An Analysis of the Implementation of PEPFAR’s Anti-Prostitution Pledge and its Implications for Successful HIV Prevention Among Organizations Working with Sex Workers
Melissa Ditmore & Dan Allman
Since 2003, US government funding to address the HIV and AIDS pandemic has been subject to an anti-prostitution clause. Simultaneously, the efficacy of some HIV prevention efforts for sex work in areas receiving US government funding has diminished. This article seeks to explain why.
Open Access: http://www.jiasociety.org/index.php/jias/article/view/17354
More | Mar 28, 2013
Registration is now open for Joanne Csete's public lecture: Sex, drugs and minimalist visions: the legacy of HIV for the human rights enterprise
Please join us on Friday April 26th from 5:30 - 7:30pm EST for a public lecture by Joanne Csete on Sex, Drugs and Minimalist Visions: The Legacy of HIV for the Human Rights Enterprise. There will be a reception from 7:30 - 9:00pm following the lecture.
Room Location: Hart House (Debates Room), University of Toronto
Joanne Csete is senior program officer in the Global Drug Policy Program of the Open Society Foundation. She was previously associate professor of public health, focusing on health and human rights, at Columbia University and also on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin – Madison. She was the founding director of the HIV Program, now Health and Human Rights Program, at Human Rights Watch and the executive director of the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. She held senior positions in UNICEF, including in the regional office in Nairobi, and worked in Africa for over ten years. She holds a PhD from Cornell University, a master’s in public health from Columbia, and a bachelor’s degree in economics from Princeton.
To Register: http://bit.ly/Zb2aIW
More | Mar 26, 2013
Registration now open for the SRC's CAHR Ancillary Events
If you are attending April’s CAHR Conference in Vancouver, the SRC is excited to invite you to participate in our two ancillary sessions being held on Thursday April 11th at the Westin Bayshore hotel. The first session(9:00am), with the Male Call Canada project, will bring together a panel of guest discussants to contextualize the results and findings of this national survey on men who have sex with men. The survey set out to document the changing lives and attitudes of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Event Details
Our second session (1:00pm), is part of our social drivers speaker series. This year we are featuring Kane Race, Chair of the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies at theUniversity of Sydney. According to Dr Kane, recent formulations of biomedical prevention science are conspicuous in their avoidance of the topic of sexual practice. Dr Kane will reflect on the situation by considering gay men’s engagements with Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PREP). Event Details
Please register by emailing:)
More | Mar 26, 2013
Call for Abstracts (2nd International HIV Social Sciences and Humanities Conference)
For the 2nd International Conference for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV we invite papers that address the theme of ‘KNOWING PRACTICES’.
More | Nov 27, 2012
SRC Research Seed Fund Awarded Summer 2012
The CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention (SRC) is pleased to announce the exciting research projects awarded through our Summer 2012 Research Seed Fund competition. The Fall 2012 Research Seed Fund competition is now open with deadline December 18, 2012, visit our website for details!
More | Nov 9, 2012
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