Knowledge Translation & Exchange
At the SRC, we understand that the continued transmission of HIV, along with the emergence of new issues and vulnerable populations, calls for a shift in strategy as well as new and enhanced partnerships spanning diverse audiences, settings and encourage cross-fertilization across sectors, professions, and academic disciplines. As such, knowledge transfer and exchange is core to all our efforts at the Centre.
KTE is fundamental in how we:
- maximize collaborations
- conduct communications
- harness our valuable resources
- respond to capacity building needs and opportunities
- engage and outreach communities and stakeholders
- share research evidence to best influence policy and practice.
Using a host of mediums, including web 2.0 social media tools, multimedia technologies, virtual platforms for group collaboration, and in-person meetings, consultations, and symposia, the SRC continues to forge new interdisciplinary partnerships bringing alternative theories into the fold to enhance the efficacy of HIV prevention and improve the quality of life of people living with or at-risk of HIV.
See a sample of KTE activities at the SRC from the past 3 years: