Recent News
Launch of "The Test" a video by the iSpeak Team
The iSpeak team is happy to share the short film, The Test, with you.
See the Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM4p3Gx2NS4The Test follows a young man and the inner tensions he experiences around being a man who is concerned about HIV, his health and the health of people close to him. He is committed to taking an HIV test despite his concerns.There is also an accompanying short video that shares important statistics highlighting HIV in Black communities in Ontario.This film aims to promote HIV testing among heterosexual Black men and foster discussions around responses to HIV in their communities in Ontario.
The Test is also meant to be a tool to facilitate reflections on manhood, taking care of one’s own health and that of their loved ones.
We encourage you to watch The Test and share it within your networks. We would also like to hear from you. Share your thoughts and ideas by completing this short survey: TAKE SURVEY NOW
If you have any questions, please contact
Wesley Oakes at or Henry Luyombya at ACT tel.416.340.8484 ext.350Follow us on Twitter: @iSpeakTheTest
More | Jan 19, 2016
Special issue of Critical Public Health - guest edited by Eric Mykhalovskiy, focuses on the health implications of HIV criminalization
Public health approaches have played a fundamental role in controlling the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and continues to be the primary site of authority for preventing HIV transmission. However, there have been recent shifts in the biopolitics of HIV which has seen the use of criminal charges for engaging in activities that are presumed to risk the transmission of HIV.
This special issue of Critical Public Health, guest edited by Eric Mykhalovskiy, focuses on the health implications of HIV criminalization.More | Jul 24, 2015
French-language RA opportunity
Dr Laura Bisaillon is currently leading the study "Immigration status and racialization in the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada". She is seeking an experienced French-language research assistant to add to the team. Details are summarized in this one-page call.
More | Apr 29, 2015
New Recommended Reading: The current state of play of research on the social, political and legal dimensions of HIV
This paper offers a critical overview of social science research presented at the 2014 International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia. In an era of major biomedical advance, the political nature of HIV remains of fundamental importance. No new development can be rolled out successfully without taking into account its social and political context, and consequences. Four main themes ran throughout the conference track on social and political research, law, policy and human rights: first, the importance of work with socially vulnerable groups, now increasingly referred to as "key populations"; second, continued recognition that actions and programs need to be tailored locally and contextually; third, the need for an urgent response to a rapidly growing epidemic of HIV among young people; and fourth, the negative effects of the growing criminalization of minority sexualities and people living with HIV. Lack of stress on human rights and community participation is resulting in poorer policy globally. A new research agenda is needed to respond to these challenges.
Check out our Recommended Readings section for a link to the article: http://srchiv.ca/en/index.php/knowledge/recommended
More | Apr 14, 2015
Check out the last round of SRC Funded Projects
The SRC has funded its final round of Seed Funded Projects. We are pleased to provide funding 6 exciting projects that move HIV social research forward.
1) Experiences of Trauma and the Initiation of Injecting Drug Use in Ottawa; Community-Based Research Applications of the Vidaview Life Story Board Interview Tool
2) What is the significance of immigration status and racialization in relation to the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada?
3) Making research accessible and stimulating critical reflection through video: engaging heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black men in community responses to HIV in Ontario
4) HIV, Disability and Rehabilitation: An analysis of Research and Shared Innovation between Canada and Sub-Saharan Africa
5) ACB Service Provider Perceptions and Understanding of Biomedical Approaches to HIV Prevention
6) Disclosing HIV-serodiscordance: a qualitative study of social dynamics
For more information on each of the projects, please visit our Research page: http://srchiv.ca/en/index.php/research
More | Mar 19, 2015
Participants needed for research study: HIV criminalization, race, and immigration status
We are seeking participants for a study that looks at the relationship between immigration status, race, and the criminalization of HIV nondisclosure in Canada. We are interested in talking with you about your experiences with such processes as pre-removal assessment, deportation, detention, casework and case management, and courtroom preparation and appearance, among other details of your experiences relating to criminalization, immigration and HIV status.
We are looking for: a) Individuals who identify as non-white or of colour and who have faced criminal charges relating to their HIV status, and who might or might not be in Canada; and/or b) Community workers and service providers who have experience working with the people listed above (AIDS service organization personnel, lawyers in legal clinics and private practice, public health personnel, other). Confidential interviews will take about one hour, and will be arranged at a mutually agreed upon time and place (over the telephone or via Skype, public location, professional office). A $50 honorarium will be offered to people listed above in a).
Please contact Laura Bisaillon at the email below if you are interested and eligible to take part. Contact: Laura Bisaillon, Principal Investigator Assistant Professor, Health Studies Program [email protected] This research is funded by the CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention at the University of Toronto. Ethics approval has been granted.
More | Mar 9, 2015
ASSHH Conference 2015 - Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission - 13 March 2015
Due to popular interest, the deadline for the submission of abstracts and symposia/roundtable proposals has been extended until 13 March 2015.
For information on how to submit an abstract or proposal, visit www.asshhconference.org
More | Feb 3, 2015
Videos now available from Where do we go from Here? AIDS Organizing, Services, Bureaucracy & the State
As a follow up to the event Where Do We Go From Here? AIDS Organizing, Services, Bureaucracy & the State in October, videos and commentary of the panel presentations are now available. Please visit their website at http://aidsorganizing.ca/post/108753483199/public-health-surveillance-monitoring.
More | Jan 26, 2015
Happy Holidays from the SRC!
More | Dec 17, 2014
Public Health Fund to honour Dr. Robert Remis
Dear friends and colleagues of Robert Remis,
On September 25, 2014, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health lost an outstanding advocate of public health with the passing of Dr. Robert Remis, Professor Emeritus. As many of you know he was a public health leader in HIV and Hepatitis C research, surveillance and advocacy in Canada and internationally, as well as an educator, mentor and friend to students and faculty alike.
Dr. Remis was a model of public health advocacy, with his incredible empathy and tenaciousness, he pushed the boundaries in health to generate knowledge and save lives. Hundreds of children are born free of HIV-infection because Dr. Remis advocated for pre-natal HIV testing in Ontario. He came to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health in 1996 as an Associate Professor at University of Toronto with a special mandate at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s, AIDS Bureau. Working collaboratively with the University and the Ministry, Dr. Remis established the Ontario HIV Epidemiologic Monitoring Unit, which served as a model for other provinces and a source of knowledge for diverse stakeholders. He was internationally recognized for his work on monitoring, modelling and communicating the HIV epidemic in Ontario and Canada.
In recognition of Dr. Remis’s countless contributions to public health, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health is creating an honorary fund in his name. The Fund in Public Health in Honour of Robert Remis will benefit both master and PhD students researching infectious disease prevention interventions for diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis C and STIs and who demonstrate excellence in the spirit of Dr. Remis’s passion and advocacy for public health.
It is important for us to remember leaders such as Dr. Remis who have helped shape public health history and I hope you will join me in considering a donation to support this new fund that will both benefit and inspire students’ own passion and achievements in public health. To make your tax-creditable donation please visit https://donate.utoronto.ca/give/show/133.
Thank you for your consideration and support.
Howard Hu
Howard Hu, M.D., M.P.H., Sc.D.
Professor of Environmental Health, Epidemiology and Global Health
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, a Faculty of the University of Toronto
More | Oct 14, 2014
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