Passing of Dr. Robert Remis
Dr. Robert S. Remis - Nov. 17 1946 - Sep. 25 2014
It is with deep sadness that we announce Robert’s death on September 25, following a long and courageous struggle with cancer. His enthusiasm for life will be forever missed.
We know you will join us in offering his family and friends our sincerest condolences during this sad time. We will all miss him as a colleague and friend after his many years of work in the HIV field. Robert was instrumental in advocating for pre-natal HIV testing in Ontario, tirelessly monitoring, educating and ensuring that health care providers offered testing to all women. He gained national and international recognition for his work on monitoring, estimating and modelling the HIV epidemic in Ontario and Canada. He was instrumental in setting up systems to detect incident infections; produced annual reports that are widely used by government, NGO, policy makers, affected communities, and researchers to inform their work and programs. And while Robert has conducted many research studies, one of his greatest contributions has been to raise awareness and provide research support to African and Caribbean immigrant communities in Ontario. For these legacies and many more, he will be remembered.
A funeral service will be held at the MOUNT PLEASANT VISITATION CENTRE, 375 Mount Pleasant Rd (east gate) on Thursday Oct 2, 10:00 am. In recognition of Dr. Robert Remis’ contributions to public health, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, will be establishing an honorary fund in his name. Details will be available shortly.
Sep 29, 2014